imasD designs, develops and manufactures in Spain, supervising from the welding process till the most complex Hardware and Software development. The philosophy of our company is to generate riches in our surroundings, which is not just confined to the assembling of the device, but is applied to all our productive processes, from the design till the final packaging, going through all those steps that guarantee the quality of our product. That way, we scarify the ample margins the Asian products provide you in the interest of creation and maintenance of jobs, both direct and indirect ones.
Therefore, ImasD has the support of big Spanish technologic companies like TEF with a nominal capacity of 140.000 components/hour.
ImasD only imports what nobody manufactures in Spain. Any component that is manufactured in our country (and meets our quality standards) has priority over an imported product when it comes to incorporating it into our devices.
Besides our own I+D department, we also work side by side with developers, researchers and engineering departments who share the same concerns as ourselves. We collaborate on the training of Technicians and University Graduates and we support the talent generated in our country sponsoring, to the best of our ability, initiatives related to scientific, technologic or cultural disclosure. All the processes which require the involvement of labor are done on the premises of imasD in the parque empresarial Táctica in Paterna (Valencia).
The attention and communication with the user of the ImasD devices is, as far as we are concerned, the most important. That’s why we have created a company intranet. Besides proportioning direct communication, it also allows the client to find everything related to their product: both manuals and guides, items of interest, latest Android updates and an online post sales service which will solve your doubts by means of a personalized system which could be conducted from a Tablet or computer and using any Android, Linux, Mac or Windows Platform.
ImasD wagers on small businesses, guaranteeing that the product line which is distributed to the points of sale will not be sold at department stores at a lower price. We say NO to the planned obsolescence and YES to the environment. At ImasD we think that the users and not the manufacturers have to decide the lifecycle of a device. To do so, we use components that have a guaranteed durability decreasing considerably the ecological footprint of our devices.
At ImasD we think that the users and not the manufacturers have to decide the lifecycle of a device. To do so, we use components that have a guaranteed durability decreasing considerably the ecological footprint of our devices.
We endeavor to maintain, at all times, clear and transparent communication, providing uninhibitedly the information that is required from us as long as this does not affect the confidentiality agreements we have reached with our clients, collaborators or suppliers.
ImasD veils for commercial integrity with their clients and suppliers in order to reassure the sustainability of the value chain. We request from our suppliers, employees and executives a conduct proper of the highest levels of honesty, equity and integrity.
ImasD requests to their chain of suppliers to respect the labor code of the company, founded on the standards of the International Labor Organization that guarantees a fair treatment, fomenting respect for people and the non-discrimination independently of the personal or social circumstances.
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